
Yasmeen Farrage, MA, RP

My practice focuses on helping individuals:

  • find a positive mindset by developing a positive outlook
  • cultivate openness and mindfulness
  • redefine your self-concept
  • enhance your inner vision
  • discover inner calmness, acceptance and awareness
  • build on your inherent strengths and resilience to overcome difficulties
  • take the steps toward uncovering an authentic, better version of you!

When you’re the best version of you, the real you, the quality of what you put out into the world and what you give to others also improves. I seek to provide a safe atmosphere to deeply connect and collaboratively work with clients to evoke positive changes in their lives. I want my clients to experience feeling content in mind, body and soul.

I am a Registered Psychotherapist, educated with a Masters degree in Clinical/Counselling Psychology. I am a Professional Member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) and a Registered Psychotherapist (RP) with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO). Additionally, I have specialized post-graduate training in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and Mindfulness approaches.

My areas of special focus include working with individuals experiencing trauma, PTSD, anxiety, issues related to self-esteem, attachment and relationship issues, eating disorders, sleep, and pain management. I also have an interest and experience working with those struggling with mood disorders, personal growth, stress reduction, acceptance and letting go, BPD, and concurrent disorders. My experience also lends itself to working with youth, the LGBTQ population, ethnic minorities, those affected by violence and racism.

My therapeutic approach is personalized to the client, mainly utilizing combined modalities including DBT, CBT, ACT, Mindfulness, and Psychodynamic approaches. In addition, I have interest and experience in administering and interpreting psychological assessments.

I’ve made my passion my career and absolutely love what I do. Feel free to contact me using the contact form with any questions you might have!

p.s.  I’m here to help

~Yasmeen 🙂

156 Sheppard Avenue West
Toronto, ON M2N 1M8

14 Saint Joseph Street
Toronto, ON M2N 1M8


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